That's a trick question because it's abundantly clear that Barbie sans makeup is a world-class troll gremlin. Gaunt as all hell. It sure looks like all those years of bulimia, dressing like a whore, and spending all of her money on dream houses and Corvettes kind of took it's toll. If Mattel was interested in hammering the "Barbie Needs a Nap & Some Rehab" child market, they may have knocked it out of the park here. Shout out to Ken for looking past everything and staying with his girl.
PS. The line drawn between Power Rangers and Barbie was more powerful than Black-White race relations in 1968.
PPS. When you were like 5-8 years old and you encountered a Barbie, the first play was to see what it looked like naked, right? I think that's a no-brainer for every male/female in that age range. I'm pretty sure I thought girls didn't have nipples for YEARS. And the "How do they pee?" question racked my brain for even longer. Barbies, man.
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