Thursday, June 7, 2012

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I Might Wear This Parrot Poncho Every Day Of The Summer

I was at a loss at what my summer wardrobe situation was going to be. The fashion coalition declared Cargo shorts officially out, the V-neck tee is at a crossroads and my shitty feet are in no way equipped to deal with thong sandals. I was in need of a change. A new glimpse of hope and understanding had to show itself or it'd be a very long season. Well everyone, I think my prayers have been answered in the form of the most ridiculous/baller/swaggy parrot related garment imaginable.

If there was ever a time for a sleeveless parrot shirt from a fashion website that I have never heard of, this is it. My summer has been saved. Casual friday? Parrot poncho. Walking around the city? Parrot poncho. It's almost a difficult task finding me a place where this isn't acceptable. This shirt has far too much parrot/leaf symmetry to ever quit on me.

If I can get anywhere near the melancholy expression this dude is rockin', I might just be able to pull this off. Buy it for me here. Thanks in advance.

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