-not this year's version, but not very far off.
Watching the Magic-Lakers game on a glorious Dr. MLK Jr. anniversary evening, Craig Sager displayed some shoes that Nike created for the event. If last year's shoes (shown above) are any indication, these new shoes were some of the most rank, borderline offensive shoes I have ever seen to honor on of our most important figures. It's like take some dirt, silly putty, and a gray magic marker and you have these bad boys. I swear Kobe Bryant is going to miss the rest of the season because he's trying to make a point.
Dr. King's impact cannot be defined through a day, a week, or a year, because without him, this shit blog, or anything for that matter doesn't exist as we know it today.
That being said, I'm going to play in basketball tomorrow in my Adidas cushy slippers to commemorate all the bro's out there.
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