^It is going to be more or less a scene from Resident Evil on Bourbon Street in like 10ish days.
Congratulations to the New Orleans Saints on doing what my team couldn’t do. Props need to be given where they’re due, but let’s think about the repercussions of this victory. Sure the team and the city needed it, but did they really…need it? If you didn’t know, Mardi Gras is about 8 days away and they don’t half-ass it down there. Beads, fires, alcohol, broken glass, and livestock is what Merriam-Webster has defined as Mardi Gras. People are hungover for at least 72 hours, jail is the best sleep option, and shit gets robbed, pillaged, and burned…the “I’m in a pretty bad situation” trifecta.
I’m not saying that they shouldn’t party it up, but I am saying maybe take it easy. You have nearly made a full and relatively flawless recovery from Katrina; it’d be terrible to stunt the progress by destroying the city. I don’t want to pick up a paper 10 days from now and read, “Zombies have completely taken over Bourbon Street”, even though that’d be sweet. New Orleans reminds me of that kid that sprained his ankle really badly, ices the injury for like 4 days, and then tries to play an intramural game 3 days later (i.e. me back in ’07).
Party safe, rep your Saints jerseys, earn some beads, but just don’t burn shit down.
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