By some act of God, I survived the night. Let me tell you, waking up unable to walk because of an impossibly stiff back, sprained knee/ankle, and overall lack of will is pretty liberating.
It also makes me feel great to wake up and see that Lady Gaga was pretty hot back in the day (excluding that little kid picture because I am not creepy, and she looks pretty pissed) and my confusion behind her could finally be put to rest. No, not what her gender is, but if she is actually hot. She’s confused me for some time now. She looks great 33% of the time, looks awful 33% of the time, and looks strange 33% of the time. The strange percentage is the wild card. If I am digging it at the time, she is deemed hot, if not, she is awful.
These old pictures fill that HUGE 1% void and give me some real closure. As coach Dennis Green would say, “She is what I thought she was!!”
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