-Caster SeMENya
I recognize that this story was beaten to death by the blogosphere today, but I have a different spin on it.
This man (I'm not even giving it the chance that he's a chick) made one of my most outlandish ideas a reality. Keep in mind, my idea involved a wig and a half-hearted tuck. That's why my idea rightfully sucked. This dude-chick, man-bitch, took it to some outrageous level. I had the same idea too man, I wasn't exactly in your shoes, but I saw them on the ground and acknowledged that they were your shoes. I used to be the 7th best runner in the state 400 meter, but I recognized it was time to hang up the shoes after that. Sure I watched some Olympics and thought, "oh, I would have placed 2nd in the woman's 400, sweet." That's where the thought died. This dude saw my idea, jumped the route, and took it to the crib. Seriously, he didn't even get a wig and apparently went the whole nine yards and got that special surgery down there. That's dedication.
I think people should just chill on the whole, "this freakshow is disgracing the sport and the female gender" and see it for what it is, a story about following your dreams. As strange as it was, no one was hurt and no damages occured. This individual took a shot at what he really wanted and when it comes down to it, I can't knock it
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