Back to the task at hand...

-Here we have Mark Sanchez. He's just being the consummate professional that he normally is. He's also teaching Eli Manning how to correctly pronounce sentences. While other QBs are barbecuing and shit, Mark is meeting with the big wigs and getting that Super Bowl to New York in 2014. Simply put, that's some respectable off-season shit.
PS. Mark holds the pigskin like it's life or death. Can't be holding it like a loaf of bread Eli...
(only watch 0:13-0:30)
Here's Tom. Just casually golfing, not worrying about his priorities or obligations to his team or the region of New England. No Superbowl efforts here. Just a couple shanks/hacks/slices and a elegantly assembled ensemble (can't knock that). To top it all off Pats fans, he throws a pretty large duck into the air at his presumed caddy. Plus I also think he has text records that show he was in contact with 3 porn stars, 4 reality show floosies, and a couple random slags on the side.
When New England is just getting to first base, New York is already home...
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