Anyway, here's my thoughts on some of the fine femmes from last night:

Anna Paquin--not even going to bother spell checking. I just don't care. She brought that viking shit to the game and I dig it. Plus whenever there's an "N" on that "TV-MA" for True Blood, you know you might get filled in on a little information.

Pam getting after it. To be honest, when I see Pam outside of "The Office" I get a little uneasy. Like I shouldn't be seeing it. But then I remembered how she wore that corset in "Blades of Glory" and forgot what I was talking about..

What up 7-head?!

Is this Sloan from Entourage in training? Like the farm-system version of her or something. Possibly a Junior-Varsity Emmanuelle Chriqui. I don't even think it's legal to like this girl yet. I'm going to leave that one alone...for approx. 1-2 years.
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