Gilbert Arenas, after pleading guilty to a felony gun possession seems to have a lot of time on his hands in light of his current NBA suspension. Maybe he doesn't have all the time in the world, but he recently had room on his schedule to make an appearance at a PETA event...What?
When reporters likely gave a distinct what the hell? look towards Arenas, he made clear: "It's just like anything. When something happens, everyone flees away. So I already knew all that was going to happen. But PETA, they stayed behind me, they stayed with the cause, and that's the reason I came."
Well Gilbert, glad to see that PETA has your back, cause the Washington Wizards, the National Basketball Association and the American Law are certainly keeping you under close watch. When asked whether he was worried about a possible jail sentence, he simply shrugged his shoulders and said "If the judge goes off with the story the papers write, then, yeah. But if he goes off the actual real story, then I have no problems with it."
Later during his talks with the press he came out with another gem. "Basketball is basketball. I don't think people realize that. No matter what city, overseas, D-league, park league - I just want to play." No, no...There's most definitely a difference between the NBA and shooting around at Ringer park. I thought Arenas was a little smarter than that...but maybe its all the same to him because he periodically loses his weekly checks betting online at the Verizon Center. But hey, as long as he's got PETA I guess it's all good.
Picture found at Katchop.com
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