In case you missed it, here's the March Madness spectacle of the day. Somebody get Danero Thomas a beer because this guy just hit his peak. But wait a second..who the hell are the Murray State Racers? Is that horrible of me to not be able to confidently boast about they've been underrated this whole time? Was there anyone crazy enough to advance this 13 over 4 in their brackets? Hold up right there...
ESPN reports: "President Barack Obama must have been onto something picking these revved-up Racers (31-4) to get past the first round. It was the school's first victory in the NCAA tournament since a 78-75 win over North Carolina State in 1988." Figures. Just another 10 dollar donation. For those out there who made this pick through pure research: I'm impressed, but screw you. This is what I get for playing it safe...again.
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