You snort it, it gives you short bursts of energy, and it's addictive. Of COURSE it's snortable coffee. Let's not jump to conclusions.
You show me a zebra, my first thought is a painted horse. I'm not one to make rash judgment without a sound, logical explanation. Sure some people are going to say that this is the most immediate cocaine gateway ever created, but I see it how it is. Just snortin' some dusty beans to get that extra kick to write an afternoon blog. Seriously, I tried writing this post without coffee and I misspelled 4 of the first 5 words. It's a necessity in the blog/actual work I should be doing world. Which leads me into my next point..
I may be the sleepiest kid in the game. Don't know what's wrong with me, but I'm legitimately always tired. There hasn't been a point in my life when I was at full 100% capacity. Whether it be food, a peaceful song, or a slight breeze, I'm unconscious narcolepsy fast. Definitely something to bring up to a doctor when I finally decide to go to one within the next 5-10 years.
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